133 Old Church Road
Claremont, NH 03743, Claremont
NH 03743

Join us for a performance by the Haven String Quartet, the Quartet in Residence of Music Haven. The performance will include interesting details and tidbits on the works they will perform. This event is a part of a day-long residency for HSQ at WCCMA where they will work with students from WCCMA and the Upper Valley Music Center in Masterclasses and Workshops. This program is part of a partnered grant with Saint-Gaudens Memorials, and is funded in part by the NH State Council on the Arts and the New England States Touring program of the New England Foundation for the Arts, made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts Regional Touring Program and the six New England state arts agencies.
Featured in the New York Times and on NPR, and sought after for both their command on the concert stage and their mastery as teachers, Haven String Quartet has been described as “exquisite” by the NH Register.
Its four members represent the world’s top conservatories and bring outstanding chamber music performances to New Haven neighborhoods and throughout the region with a full season of concerts, recitals, educational workshops, and performances for diverse audiences in public spaces.
The Quartet serves as the permanent quartet-in-residence and teaching faculty for Music Haven, and spearheads the organization’s tuition-free strings program for youth, which has been recognized as a top 50 after-school arts program in the country by the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities for six years. Each member of HSQ teaches a full studio of 15-20 Music Haven students in private lessons, group classes, studio classes, chamber groups, and an advanced chamber orchestra.